During March of 2020 a disease started to sweep the world and the disease is named Covid- 19 and we were in Level 2 but the Covid - 19 sweep New Zealand really really Fast. All of NZ went into Level 3 and we had 2 days until lock down started fully and the day lock down started was the 26th of March. Everyone was in lock down all over NZ for 7 weeks. At home in lock down I did google meet with my class and all of the three class room in my school and it was fun and happy to see all of my teachers for the first time and my friends too. For me some of the work I did was lock down diary and my lock down diary was really really fun.
Blog you later Blogger!
Blog you later Blogger!
Hi caja! I really like your blog! All your explaining about COVID19 was out of this world! I could never do as much as you! if you want to see mine go to https://wpsariellem.blogspot.com/. Well bye! I hope you have a good afternoon! see ya!